Thursday 21 February 2019

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

I was watching a TV show this evening about a hospital (New Amsterdam on Amazon Prime) – great show, moving, funny, dramatic and I was enjoying getting into it as you do with a new show.

Then, over a fairly tense scene the music started (a cover of Fix You by Coldplay – and I am desperate to find the Artiste) and suddenly the scene became – to my now tear stained eyes – so much more tense, so much more dramatic and so much more moving

And it made me think about how deeply tied to our emotions music is, how one song or a snatch of a song can trigger that emotion, or a memory, or a feeling

It doesn’t have to be a slow song, it doesn’t have to be a sad memory, music can trigger happy memories or even euphoric feelings.  Think about “that” song that always makes you want to dance, or sing, or scream out loud, to call your friend, to share the emotion, share the memory, share the moment…share the song, the feeling, the euphoria

We all have one.  Or two. Or three

Maybe you have one that is sad, one that is happy, one that is bitter sweet.

A lost love, a found love, a never love

A time, a moment, a summer, a party

A person, a friend, a relative, a lover

A love.

A loss.

You’re singing it right now, or you are calling it up on iTunes, on Spotify…and you are also calling up that moment, that person, that love…or that loss

I am privileged that I have the greatest job – I get to play music to people. I am there for some special times, special memories and I can provide the soundtrack to them

If you were able to stand where I stand and watch a newly married couple dancing their first dance to a song that has so much meaning for them, you’d really see what music means.  When a Father proudly takes his newly married daughter onto the dance floor for the Father/daughter dance, usually a song that has poignant lyrics.  When a married couple get to dance to the song that was their first dance.  So much emotion and so much love – all framed by a song

Music is the soundtrack to our everyday lives, the highs and the lows.

Tell me your story. Tell me your memory

Tell me your song

Oh, and that version of the Coldplay song?  I found it. It is by Canyon City.  I’ve got it on repeat now.  Maybe it hit me that bit more because it was played at a dear friend’s funeral.
A time.
A moment
A memory
A friend
A loss

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