Sunday 17 February 2013

Tell Me On A Sunday...

Another Sunday morning, another wedding fair!  Now that DJing is my full time job, wedding fairs are more and more important to me as the best source of new clients.  I chase weddings as, to be honest, they pay well!  Having said that, I do genuinely enjoy the feeling I get from helping a bride and groom have a wonderful day!
Weird things though, wedding fairs.  I like to think that I do them well.  My stand looks professional with a mix of display board, roll up banners and quality leaflets.  I include my giant Connect4 to attract attention, and hand out packets of lovehearts to break the ice with Brides.  When I look around though, I see some strange things...

Surely pretty much everyone at a wedding fair is self employed - its the nature of the game.  This means we are all there because we choose to be there, and yet when you look around a fair, see how many stands are manned by exhibitors who really look like they would rather be somewhere else!  You don't attract business by sitting behind a table, keeping a barrier between you and the visitors!  Step out, smile, engage!  Is this rocket science???
I love you brides, I want to make your day special, but please remember that if you come to the wedding fair, we will want to talk to you!  Please don't look scared/shocked at us approaching you! Yes, every stall will ask you the same questions, but we do want to help and offer you advice!  And if you like what I'm offering - please book!  If you leave it...someone else gets your date!
But, even though it is early mornings, lots of standing, smiling and talking, and then hoping that the keen person will book me rather than go with the cheapest offer...I still love the buzz of exhibiting and chatting to so many excited brides to be, and networking with other suppliers!


Elegant wedding set up at Stanbrook Abbey